Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Needing a Good Routine Soon

It has been five and a half weeks since Tia was born and still I have not been able to get into a good routine.  Most days Traves is not getting into the office until after lunch.  Thankfully he is able to get some work done at home, but he still has to put in some extra time in after dinner.  I, on the other hand, don't feel like I get anything done.  I have to have a plan/checklist or I don't get much accomplished.

I have been focused on eating better and getting back into shape.  It is hard to find time to exercise.  Most days it is after 9 or some times 10 pm before I get to workout.  However, I have discovered that I can save time by using prefolds and diaper covers instead of pocket diapers on Toby and Teagan.  This means less laundry since I can reuse the same cover multiple times before it needs washed.  It also saves time since I don't have to stuff pockets; I just lay in the trifolded prefold.  I purchased a couple more covers for Tia since she dirties more covers. 

I may have to get a babysitter so that I can get caught up around here.  Then maybe...just maybe, I will be able to maintain!!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think there ever really is a ''normal'' after a baby is born, so don't feel too pressured to get EVERYTHING done, just prioritize =) and of course, baby is the #1 priority for now...
